Our Committee


Chairperson: Michael Leonard

Website to be updated shortly

E - kingdomswimmingclubchairperson@gmail.com


Secretary: Vicky Smith

Website to be updated shortly

E - kingdomswimmingclub30@gmail.com


Treasurer: Adrienne O’Halloran

Website to be updated shortly. Adrienne has the mammoth task of managing our club finances throughout the season.

E - treasurerkingdomsc@gmail.com

Head Coaches Tim&Mike O’Connell

E - headcoachksc@gmail.com


PRO: Clare Neenan

E - kingdomswimmingclubpro@gmail.com


Designated Liaison Person/CCO: Jean McNamara

Jean is the Club Children’s Officer & Designated Liaison Person. Jean ensures all relevant reporting procedures are adhered to under the Swim Ireland Child Safeguarding Policy & the Club Safeguarding Statement. This is in line with the Children’s First Act 2015 relating to safeguarding young people in Ireland. Jean has been involved in Kingdom SC for many years. Her daughter Clodagh is in Senior Squad.

E - kingdomswimmingclubcco@gmail.com


Other Committee Members

Kerry Long

Anna Ahern

Stephen Kearney

Brenton Griffin